Tag Archives: Issue 6

Tracy Youngblom

’s most recent publications include a chapbook (Driving to Heaven, 2010), and a full length poetry collection (Growing Big, 2013). Individual poems, stories, and book reviews have also appeared in journals including Shenandoah, Wallace Stevens Journal, New York Quarterly, Cortland Review, New Hibernia Review, Ruminate, Dogwood, Briar Cliff Review, Cumberland River Review, and others. She was a Finalist for the Loft-McKnight Awards in poetry in 2014, as well as a former Pushcart nominee.

Shannon Connor Winward

is the author of the Elgin-award winning chapbook, Undoing Winter. Her work has appeared in Fantasy & Science Fiction, Analog, The Monarch Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Strange Horizons, Literary Mama, Flash Fiction Online and elsewhere. In between writing, parenting, and other madness, Shannon is also an officer for the Science Fiction Poetry Association, a poetry editor for Devilfish Review and founding editor of Riddled with Arrows Literary Journal.  Learn more at www.shannonconnorwinward.com.

Maša Torbica

writes poetry in English and Serbian. Her recent work has appeared in Versal, Understorey, and Vesti. She is a PhD candidate and instructor at the University of Waterloo in Canada.


is the author of seven books for adults and children, including Kabungo and The Sea-Wave. Visit his website—rollistuff.com—and follow him on Twitter @rolliwrites.

Katherine Lo

is a writer and high school English teacher living in Southern California. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poet Lore, Rattle, CALYX, and Naugatuck River Review. She is also author of the YA novel The Cellar, one of Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of 2014.

Sonja Johanson

has recent work appearing in the Best American Poetry blog, BOAAT, Epiphany, and The Writer’s Almanac.  She is a contributing editor at the Eastern Iowa Review, and the author of Impossible Dovetail (IDES, Silver Birch Press), all those ragged scars (Choose the Sword Press), and Trees in Our Dooryards (Redbird Chapbooks).  Sonja divides her time between work in Massachusetts and her home in the mountains of western Maine. You can follow her work at www.sonjajohanson.net 

Chera Hammons

is a graduate of Goddard College. Her work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Rattle, THRUSH, Tupelo Quarterly, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and elsewhere. Books include Recycled Explosions (Ink Brush Press, 2016) and The Traveler’s Guide to Bomb City (Purple Flag Press, 2017). Her chapbook Amaranthine Hour received the 2012 Jacar Press Chapbook Award. She lives in Amarillo, TX.

Mark Fitzpatrick

was born in the Naugatuck Valley of Connecticut where he began writing poetry and everything else in the 3rd grade.  He lived and worked in a low-income, African-American suburb of Chicago for over 20 years.  Then he went off to see the world, being an ESL teacher in Brazil, Somaliland, Haiti, and Honduras.  Now, he’s back where he was born teaching at the English Language Service school at the University of New Haven.

Charlotte Covey

is from St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Currently, she is an MFA candidate in Poetry at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. She has poetry published or forthcoming in journals such as ‘the minnesota review,’ ‘Salamander Review,’ ‘The Normal School,’ ‘The Boiler Journal,’ and ‘CALYX Journal.’ In 2015, she was nominated for an AWP Intro Journal Award. She is co-editor-in-chief of ‘Milk Journal.’

Rhonda Browning White

resides near Daytona Beach, FL. Her work appears in HeartWood Literary Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Steel Toe Review, Ploughshares Writing Lessons, Tiny Text, New Pages, South85 Journal, WV Executive, Mountain Echoes, Gambit, Justus Roux, Bluestone Review, in the anthologies Appalachia’s Last Stand and Mountain Voices, and is forthcoming in Hospital Drive. Her blog “Read. Write. Live!” is found at www.RhondaBrowningWhite.com. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Converse College in Spartanburg, SC.