My Sister the Fire

Anna came in hot / told Mom she was having / an abortion / Mom said wait / and didn’t she
know Mom and Dad / had been trying / to have another baby / and no they couldn’t / could
she? / do it / for her mother? / Anna crackled and heaved molten / warm teenaged tears / ran
from the house / who doesn’t want a mother’s love? / being born a twin / Anna’d always had
half / of everything / Anna said she would / grow into an offering / incubate a sister / ash to
ash / kindle to kin / I saw that she wore / the same / big / black and red polka dot sweater /
day after day / despite the swelter / of summer in Florida / she covered / what she didn’t want
/ her classmates / to see / sometimes Anna let me come near / hold my hand to creation / feel
her shimmer / Anna ballooned into a circle / floated away one day / seemed to me / but they
just took her / chopped her / open / took the baby out / put nothing in / to her arms / I sat on
Anna’s bed / Anna said / I Don’t Want To Scare You / and showed me / the staple marks /
biting her / belly like a bear snare / I wasn’t scared / then / but now I’m a mother / I know /
I could / never / burn my child / the way they burned Anna / from the inside / licking her up /
with their own trapped longing

Jessie Zechnowitz Lim

Jessie Zechnowitz Lim is a florist by day and poet by night living on unceded Ohlone land in California. She holds an MA in Art History. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Mother Mag, The Antigonish Review, The Chestnut Review, California Quarterly, Kestrel, The Berkeley Poetry Review, The Bold Italic, FEED, and others.

Contributions by Jessie Zechnowitz Lim