
James McKean

James McKean earned a master of fine arts from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop and his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. He has published three books of poems – “Headlong,” “Tree of Heaven,” and “We Are the Bus” – and two books of essays, “Home Stand: Growing Up in Sports” and “Bound.”

McKean’s poems have appeared in journals such as PoetryThe Atlantic Monthly, The Georgia ReviewThe Southern Review, and Poetry Northwest, among others, and have been featured in Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry. His nonfiction has appeared in Crab Orchard ReviewGray’s Sporting JournalThe Gettysburg Review, and The Iowa Review, and his essays have been reprinted in The Best American Sports Writing 2003 and the 2006 Pushcart Prize anthology.

McKean teaches poetry and creative nonfiction in our low-residency master of fine arts in creative writing program.

Contributions by James McKean