Holding Space




A young woman who has already lived a difficult life, PHOEBE sits on one of two stools at the lounging counter separating her small galley kitchen from the main room of the apartment. There is a plastic cup in front of her along with a fifth of vodka. The counter is cluttered with spice jars, olive oil bottles, dirty dishes, an open box of children’s cereal, mac-n-cheese boxes, children’s toys, and other kitchen odds and ends. The stove has pots on it. The sink is full of dishes. To the side, a small buffet holds the type of ceramics that children make as gifts, along with various bottles of liquor and shot glasses. A string of white Christmas lights hangs along the walls.

The door of the apartment is plain. The security chain is unlatched. Someone knocks. PHOEBE goes to the door and peers through the peephole.

Who is it?

VI (O.S.)

PHOEBE sets the security chain then opens the door.

VI leans against the opposite wall so that he is facing PHOEBE as she looks through the partially opened door. VI exudes violence without any explicit threat. He leans in towards the door. One of his hands is on the wall next to the door and another hand is on the door. Only half his face is visible. A small mirror on the wall next to the door shows only half of PHOEBE’s face.

Why you here?

Early release.


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Richard Stimac

Richard Stimac has a full-length book of poetry Bricolage (Spartan Press), a forth-coming poetry chapbook Of Water and of Stone (Moonstone) and published over thirty poems in Burningword, Clackamas, december, The Examined Life Journal, Faultline, Havik (Third Place 2021 Poetry Contest), Michigan Quarterly Review, Mikrokosmos (Second Place 2022 Poetry Contest; A.E. Stallings, judge), New Plains Review, NOVUS, Penumbra, Salmon Creek Journal, Talon Review, and Wraparound South. He published flash fiction in BarBar, Drunk Monkeys, Flash Fiction Magazine, Half and One, New Feathers, Paperbark, Prometheus Dreaming, Proud to Be (SEMO Press), On the Run, Scribble, Talon Review, The Typescript, and The Wild Word, with one short-listed flash for Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story anthology (Hawkeye Press). He has also had an informal readings of plays by the St. Louis Writers’ Group and Gulf Coast: Playwright’s Circle, plays published in The AutoEthnographer, Fresh Words and Hive Avenue Literary Journal, and an essay in The Midwest Quarterly. A screenplay of his is in pre-production. He is a poetry reader for Ariel Publishing and Clepsydra.

Contributions by Richard Stimac