Author Archives: Qu Literary Magazine

Mary Buchinger

Mary Buchinger’s poems have appeared in AGNI, Cortland Review, Massachusetts Review, Nimrod and elsewhere. She won the New England Poetry Club’s Varoujan and Houghton Awards; her full-length manuscript, Aerialist, is forthcoming from Gold Wake Press. She is Associate Professor of English and Communication Studies at MCPHS University.

Keetje Kuipers

Keetje Kuipers’ first collection of poetry, Beautiful in the Mouth, contains, as The Rumpus put it, “pitch-perfect poems about topics that are expected in a poetry collection, but that are crafted so well that they transcend cliché to flower into these plainly beautiful chunks of text.” Kuipers second book, The Keys to the Jail, came out from BOA Editions in April 2014.